Grim Oak Backer Kit Store

Created by Grim Oak Press

The Grim Oak Backer Kit Store, celebrating The Tempered Steel of Antiquity Grey, the new SF&F novel by Shawn Speakman featuring mechs, dragons, and a young woman challenging an oppressive might returned from the stars.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Closing In On First Art Stretch Goal!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Sep 07, 2020 at 09:43:00 AM

Hi Backers,

Just a short note. We are closing in on $110,000. That is the first art stretch goal, unlocking Kaitlund Zupanic's amazing talents. Can't wait to get some artists working! I kind of have a cool idea I'm kicking around for the $120,000 Art Stretch Goal so the faster we get there, the better. Anything you can do to share the Kickstarter online to spread word about it would be appreciated.

Speaking of appreciation, one of my Unbound II contributors has a Kickstarter starting on September 8th. Dyrk Ashton is the first writer I'm announcing for that 2022 anthology and I thought I'd share Dyrk's link here in case you want to add more SF&F to your reading pile:

Okay, back to writing for me. Even on a holiday weekend, I work. Because it doesn't feel like work!

With Mech Magic,


1000 Backers AND Over $100,000! You Did This!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 11:39:59 AM

I blame you. I really do! Like I don't have enough work on my plate?

I kid. I'm excited to be busy. As my wife says, "You busy means you stay out of trouble! That's a good thing because you don't look good wearing orange." Guess I won't be causing any trouble and going to jail any time soon because Antiquity Grey just crossed 1000 Backers as well as hit Stretch Goal #6 and its $100,000 threshold!

What does it mean? It means Terry will be interviewing me with your questions. The questions are entirely up to you, the Backers. Terry will go through them and undoubtedly pick the strangest and weirdest ones of the bunch, to try to get me to laugh or squirm or both on a Facebook Live we will be doing soon. Details about that coming early next week.

In the meantime, on to the Art Stretch Goals. This is where it gets fun. If we can get to $110,000, dragon master-artist Kaitlund Zupanic will be painting a full-color scene from the middle of the book. I think it is as good a place as any to start. And I have absolute faith in her abilities to bring Antiquity and crew to life!

THANK YOU, EVERYONE, for your pledging-love on this project. It wouldn't be happening without you. Now I have to get back to writing my new short story The Woman on the Edge of Ruin so I can wrap it up, send it off, and get back to finishing The Undone Life of Jak Dreadth! Yay!

With Mech Magic,


I'm Taking Questions On Reddit r/Fantasy Right Now!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Sep 02, 2020 at 08:53:28 AM

Hi All,

Every once in a while, I conduct an ASK ME ANYTHING on Reddit's r/Fantasy or r/Books communities. It's always fun and I get to spend hours slamming the keyboard keys answering all sorts of questions. It's also a way for me to interact with all of you and have it chiseled in Reddit stone for all eternity. Ha! Anyway, if you are interested in asking me a question over there, here is the link:

Thank you for making this Kickstarter a success! I'm excited about you all reading Antiquity's story!


Stretch Goal #4 Met! Gilding & Ribbon Bookmark!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 12:02:47 PM

Hi Backers,

I feel like a broken record but... THANK YOU! You guys just helped push the Kickstarter over $80,000. It means the special editions will have gilded pages and a silver satin ribbon bookmark sewn into the binding. Making them even nicer editions than before!

I'm so excited about that. But now I want us all to focus on that $90,000 Stretch Goal. Because I want the $20/$35 hardcovers of The Tempered Steel of Antiquity Grey and The Undone Life of Jak Dreadth to also be upgraded to cloth-bound books with higher-quality paper used. So keep sharing the Kickstarter on your social media and Reddit boards. Because whatever you are doing, it is working. And we'll get there!

In the meantime, here are both sides of the GREY COIN. In my novel, Antiquity is a member of a shamed family, given the surname Grey. They no longer have a family sigil/crest. They are seen as worthless members of society. The coin reflects that shame. They are below.

Again, THANK YOU for making this Kickstarter a success!


INCREDIBLE! Kickstarter Kicks After 96 Minutes!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 03:30:59 PM

Hi Backers,

Well, that happened fast. And all because of YOU! We have crossed the $40,000 mark. Thank you for helping make this Kickstarter an immediate success. It is backed now. It means I have to get to finishing Jak Dreadth's story. Ha! Thankfully, all of the goodies are designed and ready for production. You will get your books and extra items on time. I promise!

A thank you to Todd Lockwood, who worked his butt off to get the cover art for The Tempered Steel of Antiquity Grey done. And it's a beaut!

And best of all, a HUGE thank you to YOU, the Backers. Without you, this wouldn't be possible.

Can't wait for you to read Antiquity's story!

With Mech Magic,
